My Story
I began reading comics when I was sixteen. I started off reading anything Superman and began to start reading other titles in less than a year. I read mainly DC and Marvel books, but am open to other publications. Folks who I attended college with suggested that I start my weekly web series. For years, I ignored those suggestions. Then, on Wednesday, October 2, 2013, I decided to do so…..and never looked back. My love of life burns as brightly as my love of comics, so I incorporate that in every episode of the Comic Hero Show. When opportunities present themselves, I observe holidays, raise awareness of different causes and simply show love to others. I believe the only way to get through this thing called life is with love. I’m also a student of music and I’ve composed the theme and the music for the show. I practically do everything, in terms. I can truly say that everything I do is a labor of love.